Soft Law in Action: The Role of Private Ordering in Commercial Activities

日 時: 2007年7月13日(金) 13:00−17:00

場 所: 東京国際フォーラム・ホールD5 千代田区丸の内3丁目5番1号

Chairman: Hideki Kanda, Professor, The University of Tokyo / Project Sub-leader

13:00 − 13:05
Opening Remarks: Hideki Kanda

13:05 − 14:15
Reputation and Intermediaries in Electronic Commerce
Speaker: Clayton P. Gillette, Professor, New York University

Comments: Tomotaka Fujita, Professor, The University of Tokyo

14:25 − 15:35
Soft Law and the Governance of Global Corporations

Speaker: Robert B. Thompson, Professor, Vanderbilt University
Comments: Souichirou Kozuka, Professor, Sophia Law School

15:45 − 16:55 

Guaranty: where private ordering meets the legal system
Speaker: Hatsuru Morita, Associate Professor, Tohoku University
Comments: Wataru Tanaka, Associate Professor, Seikei University

16:55 − 17:00
Concluding Remarks:
Hideki Kanda


協力:株式会社 商事法務

Soft Law and the Governance of Global Corporations