Research and Teaching Activities

Study Groups: Public Regulation Section
Study Groups: Commercial Transaction Section
Study Groups: Intellectual Property Section
Study Groups: General Section

COE Lectures Series
COE "Soft Law" Seminars Series
COE Symposiums



Study Groups by Section

Public Regulation Section

・The Study Group on Competition Law
"The Study Group on Competition Law" conducts multifaceted debates on the relationship between soft law and hard law in the area of economic law, with a special focus on competition law. Coordinated by Professor Tadashi Shiraishi, this Study Group is conducted with the participation of students of the Graduate School and external practitioners.

・Softlaw taxation workshop
Even in tax law where written rules are dominant, soft law plays an important role. Professor Yoshihiro Masui coordinates graduate students to study soft law in the field of taxation.

Commercial Transaction Section

・The Study Group on Market Transactions and Soft Law
"The Study Group on Market Transactions and Soft Law" researches soft law across a range of market transactions, including capital markets, commodities and international transactions, as well as new forms of commercial transactions such as electronic commerce. Further, when considering commercial transactions in regulated industries, it also becomes necessary to closely analyze the links with the field of public regulation. Centered around Professor Hideki Kanda, the Study Group consists of researchers and practitioners . The Study Group will report periodically on its activities in collecting material for the database on soft law in the area of commercial transactions, and then debate and analyze that material. Coordinated by Professors Hideki Kanda and Tomotaka Fujita this Study Group is conducted with the participation of faculty members and researchers for COE program.

Intellectual Property Section

The Study Group on "Rights Businesses"
"The Study Group on Rights Businesses" conducts a probing analysis of both soft and hard law in relation to so-called "rights businesses" which have been rapidly increasing in importance in recent times, utilizing perspectives from intellectual property law, contract law, antimonopoly law, etc. The central figures are Professor Nobuhiro Nakayama and Professor Tetsuya Obuchi. Together with scholars from the University and other institutions, and practitioners with practical experience in "rights businesses", they aim to conduct integrated research on both theory and practice at the highest level in this field in Japan and also direct their efforts to joint international research and international publication of research results. Further, voluntary participation by graduate and undergraduate students of the Faculty of Law as observers means that the Study Group makes a strong contribution to the cultivation of young scholars and practitioners of the future.

The Study Group on Biotechnology and Legal Policy
"The Study Group on Biotechnology and Legal Policy" is convened jointly with the "Biotechnology, Bioethics and Legal Policy" Project, a Special Grant Program for Creation of New Academic Research Fields within this Graduate School. This Study Group undertakes comprehensive investigation of the state of legal protection for research results in the rapidly changing area of biotechnology, from the perspectives of biotechnology and intellectual property law, while taking full account of soft law norms. The Study Group, led by Professor Nobuhiro Nakayama, Professor Norio Higuchi and Professor Tetsuya Obuchi, aims to bring together the best participants available in Japan in this field by conducting seminars at the highest level, from the perspectives of both theory and practice, with the involvement of researchers and practitioners (judges, attorneys, patent agents, representatives of the Patent Office, etc.). In terms of joint international research, international publication of research results and voluntary participation by students as observers, the same approach is taken as in the Study Group on Rights Businesses.

The Study Group on Intellectual Property Law
"The Study Group on Intellectual Property Law" aims to conduct integrated research from theoretical and practical perspectives, including consideration of soft law, across the general field of intellectual property law which has taken on an indispensable importance in the current information society. The Study Group is coordinated by Professors Nobuhiro Nakayama and Tetsuya Obuchi with the aim of gaining the participation of exemplary researchers and practitioners in the field of intellectual property law. The purpose is to conduct seminars at the highest level in this field, in the form of joint research of scholars across various disciplines, from this University and beyond, and practitioners (judges, attorneys, patent agents, representatives of government offices, etc.). In terms of joint international research, international publication of research results and voluntary participation by students as observers, the same approach is taken as in the Study Group on Rights Businesses.

General Section

The Study Group on Theories of Soft Law
"The Study Group on Theories of Soft Law" is a joint study group of jurists, economists and practitioners focusing on methodologies for analyzing and debating soft law.

・Research Project on Art, Science and Entertainment Law (RASEL)
This study group focuses on the legal aspects of art, science and entertainment, especially in the context of soft law. Professor Minoru Nakazato organizes practitioners, graduate students and journalists. During August, 2004 and March, 2005, Professor Hidetaka Aizawa lead this project, when Professor Nakazato continued the project in Boston, Massachusetts where he stayed for his sabbatical.

・Research Project in Boston on Art, Science and Entertainment Law
This study group was organized in Boston, Massachusetts during August, 2004 and March, 2005. Professor Minoru Nakazato organized several graduate students at Harvard Law School.

COE Public Lectures

The COE Public Lectures are convened in conjunction with the Business Law Center Public Lectures.

COE "Soft Law" Seminars

No. Date Topic Speaker
1 May 11, 2004
Global Law Reform: Institutions and Procedures
Lance Liebman, Professor, Columbia Law School
2 May 12, 2004
A Hard Look at Soft Law from an American Perspective
David Westfall, Professor, Harvard Law School 
3 June 15, 2004
The Timing, Intensity, and Composition of Interest Group Lobbying:
An Analysis of Structural Policy Windows in the States
John M. de Figueiredo, Associate Professor, MIT Sloan Management
4 June 23, 2004
Innovation in Bond Contracts
Gaurang Mitu Gulati, Professor, Georgetown University Law Center
5 August 12, 2004
Choice as Regulatory Reform: The Case of Japanese Corporate Governance
Curtis Milhaupt, Professor, Columbia Law School
6 December 13, 2004
Droit et ethique en matiere biomedicale Muriel Fabre-Magnan, Professeur, Universite de Paris I
7 December 14, 2004 Du nouveau au self-service normatif : la responsabilite sociale des entreprises Alain Supiot, Professeur, Universite de Nantes
8 December 15, 2004 La reforme de l’assurance maladie en France Jean-Pierre Chauchard, Professeur, Universite de Nantes
9 December 22, 2004
Incoherent Empire: A Critique of the American Empire in terms of The Sources of Social Power
Michael Mann, Professor, University of California at Los Angeles
10 March 1, 2005 Legal Certainty over Securities - The UNIDROIT preliminary draft Convention and related European legislation Dr. Philipp Paech, UNIDROIT
11 October 31, 2005 Offenlegungspflicht fuer Managergehaelter - Ein Beispiel fuer Rechtsvereinheitlichung durch Soft Law Dr. Christian Foerster, Tuebingen University
12 November 21, 2005 Soft Law im internationalen Handelsverkehr: Die Bankgarantie auf erstes Anfordern Dr. Christian Foerster, Tuebingen University
13 March 2, 2006 Transformation of Corporate Governance: The Korean Experience Kon Sik Kim, Professor, Seoul National University
14 June 23, 2006
Enron and the Role of Insolvency Law Douglas G. Baird Professor, University of Chicago Law School
15 October 2, 2006 The Role of State and Non-State Parties in the Creation and Enforcement of Norms Tomotaka Fujita, Professor, The University of Tokyo
16 October 2, 2006 Rulemaking in International Finance: Basel Ⅱ Hideki Kanda, Professor, The University of Tokyo
17 October 23, 2006

Die deutsche GmbH im Wettbewerb der europäischen Gesellschaftsformen:Der Referentenentwurf für ein Gesetz zur Modernisierung des GmbH-Rechts und zur Bekämpfung von Missbräuchen (MoMiG)

Moritz Bälz,Associate Lawyer, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Frankfurt

18 February 2, 2007 The effectiveness of “freedom of organization” and “union autonomy” in Korea―mainly on the delay of “company-level multiple unions” and “prevention of payment to the full-time union officials” articles in Trade Union and Labor Relations Adjustment Act

Lee Heung-Jae, Professor, Seoul NationalUniversity

19 April 9, 2007

Recent developments in European Corporate Governance

Dr. Christian Foerster, Tuebingen University
20 April 17, 2007 The UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Security Interests Harry C. Sigman, Attorney at Law, California Bar
21 May 15, 2007 An analysis of the judicial confirmation process in the United States-In particular, the fact that the process for the Federal courts makes it most difficult for the brightest judges to be on the courts- John Lott, Visiting Professor, State University of New York
22 July 18, 2007 Current Issues in Commercial Law Clayton P. Gillette, Professor, New York University







March 12, 2004

Ethics, social norms and law in the current age: Perspectives on the future of research on soft law

Hideki Kanda, Professor, University of Tokyo, and others

2 July 17, 2004
July 18, 2004
The Code of Medical Ethics: What it means and how it works
Medical Information: Its Uses and Protection
Yasuhiko Morioka, Consultant, Japan Medical Association, and others
3 December 4, 2004 Legal Ethics and Bioethics: A Comparison Rebecca Dresser, Professor, UW School of Law, and others
4 March 14, 2005 The Move towards Soft Law: Case Studies in Business Law Yasufumi Shiroyama,University of Tokyo, and others
5 July 1, 2005
July 2, 2005
Soft Law and Social Norms
Soft Law and International Community
Eric A. Posner, Professor, University of Chicago, and others
6 February 27, 2006 Soft Law vs. Hard Law: Conflicts, Complementarities, and Convergences Takashi Araki, University of Tokyo, and others
7 September 30, 2006
October 1, 2006
Authors Workshop A Decade After Crisis: The Transformation of Corporate Governance in East Asia
Curtis Milhaupt, Professor, Columbia Law School, and others
8 March 5, 2007 "De Facto Standard" and Norm Creation Hiroshi Mitoma, University of Tokyo, and others
9 July 13, 2007 Soft Law in Action: The Role of Private Ordering in Commercial Activities Clayton P. Gillette, Professor, New York University, and others
10 March 3, 2008 The Mechanism of Creating Private Ordering: Creator, Process and Contents Masahiko Iwamura, Professor, University of Tokyo, and others


We are anticipating greater recognition for our project through this newsletter and the ability to acquire support for our activities from all over the world.

Newsletter English Edition No.1 Spring-Summer 2005 (August 31, 2005)
Organization of Research and Education
Newsletter English Edition No.2 Autumn-Winter 2005-2006 (March 31, 2006)
Organization of Research and Education
Newsletter English Edition No.3 Spring-Summer 2006 (August 31, 2006)
Organization of Research and Education
Newsletter English Edition No.4 Autumn-Winter 2006-2007 (March 31, 2007)
Organization of Research and Education
  Newsletter English Edition No.5 Spring-Summer 2007 (August 31, 2007)
Organization of Research and Education
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Newsletter English Edition No.6 Autumn-Winter 2007-2008 (March 31, 2008)
Organization of Research and Education