Dimitri VANOVERBEKE(ディミトリ・ヴァンオーヴェルベーク)
Dimitri VANOVERBEKEprofessor
Areas of Interest: Sociology of Law
1989年 : ルーヴェン・カトリック大学文学部日本研究学科卒業(学位:Kandidaat in de Japanologie)
1991年: ルーヴェン・カトリック大学文学部日本研究学科修士課程修了 (学位:Licentiaat in de Japanologie)
1996年: ルーヴェン・カトリック大学文学部日本研究学科博士課程修了 (学位:Doctor in de Japanologie)
1995-1998 : 九州大学助教授
1998-2004年 : ルーヴェン・カトリック大学文学部日本研究学科Assistant Professor
2004-2011 : ルーヴェン・カトリック大学文学部日本研究学科Associate Professor
2011-2021 : ルーヴェン・カトリック大学文学部日本研究学科Full Professor
2021年 東京大学大学院法学政治学研究科教授 現在に至る
- (2021). E. Ogawa, K. Raube, D. Vanoverbeke, J. Wouters, C. Van der Vorst (eds.), Japan, the European Union and Global Governance, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing, 256.
- (2019). David Van Reybrouck ( ヴァン・レイブルック), (translated by Dimitri Vanoverbeke and Okazaki Seiki)『選挙制を疑う』Hōsei University Press 法政大学出版局, pp. 244. (Translated Book).
- (2018). Global Constitutionalism from European and East Asian Perspectives. (eds. Suami T, Peters A, Vanoverbeke D. & Kumm M), Cambridge University Press. (Edited Book).
- (2018). Developing EU-Japan Relations in a Changing Regional Context: A Focus on Security, Law and Policies. (eds. Vanoverbeke D, Suami T, Ueta T, Peeters N, Ponjaert F.), Routledge (Edited Book).
- (2018). ‘Inclusion’ in Shrinking Societies: the Case of Japan. Special issue of the journal Zeitschrift Fur Japanisches Recht/Journal of Japanese Law (volume 14, issue 26). (eds. Vanoverbeke, D., Kadomatsu, N.). Hamburg: Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law.
- (2015) Vanoverbeke, D. Juries in the Japanese Legal System: The Continuing Struggle for Citizen Participation and Democracy. Law in Asia series, London: Routledge. (Book – as single author)
- (2014). The Changing Role of Law in Japan: Empirical Studies in Culture, Society and Policy Making. (eds. Vanoverbeke, D., Maesschalck, J., Nelken, D., Parmentier, S.,). Glos & Massachusetts: Edward Elgar. (Edited Book).
- (2013). EU-Japan Relations, 1970-2012: From Confrontation to Global Partnership. (eds. Keck, J., Vanoverbeke, D., Waldenberger, F.). London: Routledge. (Edited Book).
- (2011). Responsibility and Accountability in Japan after the 1990s: A Legal Perspective. Special issue of the journal Zeitschrift Fur Japanisches Recht/Journal of Japanese Law (eds. Vanoverbeke, D., Kadomatsu, N.). Koln: Carl Heymanns Verlag.
- (2010). Vanoverbeke, D. Recht en instellingen in Japan: Actuele thema’s in een historische context. Eng.: Law and Instititions in Japan: Contemporary Issues in a Historical Perspective Leuven/ Den Haag: Uitgeverij ACCO. (Book as single author)
- (2009). Judicial reform in Japan. Special issue of the journal Zeitschrift Fur Japanisches Recht/Journal of Japanese Law (volume 14, issue 26). (Vanoverbeke, D., Ed., Maesschalck, J., Ed., Parmentier, S., Ed., Hamano, R., Ed., Ozaki, I., Ed.). Hamburg: Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law.
- (2004). Vanoverbeke, D. Community and state in the Japanese farm village: farm tenancy conciliation (1924-1938). Leuven: Leuven university press, Leuven, 2004. (Book – as single author)
- (2004). Adriaensens, E., Vanoverbeke, D. Op zoek naar het nieuwe Japan: de Japanse politiek na 1945. Globe, Roeselare. (in Dutch: Eng. Searching for the new Japan: Japanese politics after 1945). (Book: as co-author)
- Vanoverbeke, D. (2022). The Ghosn Case: a critical junction or missed opportunity in attorney representation of suspects during interrogations in Japan?. In 民主的司法の展望 : 四宮啓先生古稀記念論文集 : 統治主体としての国民への期待 (Prospects for democratic justice : a festschrift in honor of professor Satoru Shinomiya sensei’s 70th birthday) (pp. 129-149). Nihon Hyoronsha: 日本評論社.
- Vanoverbeke, D. (2022). 歴史的比較法社会学を目指して : 日本・欧州の弁護人立会権のダイナミクスを事例に. 法と社会研究 (Japanese law & society review), 7, 27-52.
- Vanoverbeke, D. (2022). Farm Tenancy Conciliation in a Changing World: Bottom-up Rule Making and Trust in the Legal System. Rikkyo hogaku (St. Paul’s review of law and politics), 105, 241-275.
- Vanoverbeke, D. (2022). Protecting the Script of the Japanese Criminal Justice System. LAW AND SOCIAL INQUIRY-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN BAR FOUNDATION, 47(2), 734-740. doi:1017/lsi.2022.5
- Vanoverbeke, D. (2022). 日本の法曹養成制度は社会の変化に対応できているか. 世界, 953, 180-190.
- Vanoverbeke, D. (2022). 平成司法制度改革の起源――刑事司法制度への国民参加に焦点を当てて. In 平成司法改革の研究:理論なき改革はいかに挫折したのか (pp. 113-134). Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten.
- Vanoverbeke, D. (2022). The right to an attorney in interrogations in Japan: Is the Ghosn extradition case a turning point?. In Europe and Japan Cooperation in the Fight against Cross-border Crime: Challenges and Perspectives (pp. 185-206). Routledge. doi:4324/9781003284710
- Dimitri Vanoverbeke, “A Decade of Reform in Europe and Japan,” USALI East-West Studies, Volume 1, Number 7, June 18, 2021, pp. 1-5.
- Vanoverbeke D. and Fukurai H. (2021) Lay Participation in the Criminal Trials of Japan: A Decade of Activity and its Socio-Political Consequences, in: Kutnjak Ivkovic, S., Hans, V., Diamond, S., Marder, N. (eds), Juries, Lay Judges, and Mixed Courts: A Global Perspective Cambridge University Press (2021), pp. 69-87.
- Vanoverbeke D. and Camille Van der Vorst (2021). The Dynamics of the EU-Japan Relationship and Divergent Discourses on Economic Governance, in Japan, the European Union and Global Governance (eds. Ogawa E, Raube K, Vanoverbeke D, Wouters J, Van der Vorst, C.), Edward Elgar Publishing (2021), pp. 65-86.
- “Introduction to Japan, the European Union and global governance: setting the scene” (Eiji Ogawa, Kolja Raube, Camille Van der Vorst, Dimitri Vanoverbeke and Jan Wouters) Edward Elgar Publishing (2021), pp. 1-19.
- ディミトリ・ヴァンオーヴェルベーク, 「日本の法曹養成制度は社会の変化に対応できているか」, in:『世界』2022年2月号(953), pp. 180-190.
- ディミトリ・ヴァンオーヴェルベーク「平成の司法改革の起源ついて ― 刑事司法制度への国民参加に焦点を当てて―」, 須網隆夫(編)『平成司法改革の研究』(岩波書店 2022)
- ディミトリ・ヴァンオーヴェルベーク, 「歴史的比較法社会学を目指して ―日本・欧州の弁護立会権のダイナミクスを事例に―」,『法と社会研究 第7号』(巻頭論文)(2022年4月).
- ディミトリ・ヴァンオーヴェルベーク, 「ヨーロッパと日本における改革の10年 ──公正な取調べと刑事弁護の比較法的考察」, 『判例時報』 2021年5月1日号 (2473号), 122-123.
- Vanoverbeke D and Giorgio Fabio Colombo, Béatrice Jaluzot, Wered Ben-Sade, Roger Greatrex, Francisco Barberán, Luca Siliquini-Cinelli, Harald Baum, Moritz Bälz (2020) The State of Japanese Legal Studies in Europe, in: Journal of Japanese Law, Vol 26 No 49 (March 2020), pp. 4-49.
- Vanoverbeke D. and Johnson D.T. (2020) The Limits of Change in Japanese Criminal Justice, in: Journal of Japanese Law, Vol 26 No 49 (March 2020), pp. 109-165.
- Vanoverbeke D. and Johnson D.T. (2020) The Limits of Lay Participation Reform in Japanese Criminal Justice, in: Hasting Journal of Crime and Punishment, Vol. 1, Number 3, Summer 2020, pp. 439-485.
- Vanoverbeke D. (2019). ベルギーから見た裁判員制度 ― 変動する社会における市民の好機 [The Lay Assessor system in today’s Japan as seen from Belgium: an opportunity for citizens in a changing society], In Ii Takayuki あなたも明日は裁判員! ? [A Saiban’in Tomorrow!?], Tokyo: Nihon Hyōronsha, (translated by Ii Takayuki), pp. 206-212.
- Vanoverbeke D. (2018). Are We Talking the Same Language? The Socio-Historical Context of Global Constitutionalism in East Asia, In: Suami, T., Peeters, A, Vanoverbeke, D. and Kumm, M., Global Constitutionalism from European and East Asian Perspectives. Cambridge University Press, pp. 203-224.
- Vanoverbeke D. (2018) (with Peeters, A, Suami, T. And Kumm, M) Global Constitutionalism from European and East Asian Perspectives: An Introduction. In: Suami, T., Peeters, A, Vanoverbeke, D. and Kumm, M., Global Constitutionalism from European and East Asian Perspectives. Cambridge UP, pp. 1-26.
- Vanoverbeke D, Suami T, Ueta T, Peeters N, Ponjaert F. (2018). Developing EU-Japan Relations in a Changing Regional Context: introduction In Developing EU-Japan Relations in a Changing Regional Context: A Focus on Security, Law and Policies. 1-10. Routledge, pp. 1-10.
- Vanoverbeke D and Kadomatsu N. (2018). Discussing ‘Inclusion’ in Shrinking Societies: The Case of Japan. Jounal of Japanese Law, Vol 23 No 45, pp. 1-4.
- Vanoverbeke D. (2017). Facing the Jury: A Comparative Perspective on Recent Issues with Defendants’ Rights and the Trial by Jury in Belgium and Japan In The Legal Process in Contemporary Japan: A Festschrift in Honor of Professor Setsuo Miyazawa’s 70th Birthday. Shinzansha, Tokyo, pp. 415-427 .
- Bacon P, Reiterer M, Vanoverbeke D. (2017). Recent Developments on the Death Penalty in Japan: Public Opinion and the Lay Judge System In European Yearbook on Human Rights. Editors: Benedek W, Benoît-Rohmer F, Kettemann M, Klaushofer R, Nowak M. 103-118. Intersentia and Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, pp. 103-118.
- Vanoverbeke D. (2016). Japan and the Belgian Constitution: The Influence of a New Small Nation State on Meiji Japan. In Willy Vande Walle (ed.), Japan & Belgium: An Itinerary of Mutual Inspiration. Lannoo, Tielt 2016, pp. 159-169.
- Vanoverbeke D, Shibai K. (2016). Leuven Central Prison: A Model for the Modern Penal System in Meiji Japan In Japan & Belgium: An Itinerary of Mutual Inspiration . 149-157. Lannoo, Tielt 2016.
- Vanoverbeke, D. (2015). Le juré face au juge: une analyse socio-juridique de la domination au sein du jury populaire. In: Julien M., Malinas D. (Eds.), Japon Pluriel 11, Le Japon au début du XXI Siècle: dynamisme et mutations. Paris: Philippe Picquier.
- Vanoverbeke Dimitri (2014). Exporting the Rule of Law in East Asia: Japan’s Experiences from the 1990s to Present. Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Internationaal Recht / Revue Belge de Droit International, 13(2), 364-381.
- Vanoverbeke, D., Maesschalck, J., Parmentier, S., Nelken, D. (2014). The Changing Role of Law in Japan: Empirical Studies in Culture, Society and Policy Making: an introduction. In: The Changing Role of Law in Japan: Empirical Studies in Culture, Society and Policy Making, Chapt. 1. Glos & Massachusetts: Edward Elgar, 1-11.
- Vanoverbeke, D., Suami, T. (2014). Reforms of the judiciary in Japan at the start of the twenty-first century: initial assessment of an ongoing process. In: The Changing Role of Law in Japan: Empirical Studies in Culture, Society and Policy Making, Chapt. 5. Glos & Massachusetts: Edward Elgar, 66-78.
- Vanoverbeke, D. (2014). Le système du jury au Japon à l’ère Meiji et la France. In: Jaluzot B. (Eds.), Droit japonais, droit français. Quel dialogue?. Lyon: Schulthess Éditions Romandes, 21-36.
- Vanoverbeke, D., Reiterer, M. (2014). ASEAN’s Regional Approach to Human Rights: The Limits of the European Model?. In: Benedek W., Benoit-Rohmer F., Karl W., Ketteman C. M., Nowak M. (Eds.), bookseries: European Yearbook on Human Rights, vol: 14, European Yearbook on Human Rights. Vienna: Intersentia, 185-196.
- Vanoverbeke, D. (2013). Dynamics in the Europe-Japan Relation. In: , bookseries: Routledge Contemporary Japan Series, EU-Japan Relations, 1970-2012: From Confrontation to Global Partnership, Chapt. 16. London: Routledge.
- Vanoverbeke Dimitri (2012). ベルギー陪審制度の課題と改革過程-裁判員制度理解のために (The Reform Process and Issues in the Belgian Jury System: with an eye on the Japanese Lay Assessor System). Journal of the Law Faculty of Kobe University, 62 (1 & 2), 337-353.
- Vanoverbeke, D. (2011). The Modernization of the Judiciary in Meiji Japan: Early Experiences with the Jury System. In: Japon Pluriel 8: La modernite japonaise en perspective. Arles: Editions Philippe Picquier, 357-366.
- Reiterer, M., Vanoverbeke, D. (2011). Japan and the Death Penalty from a European Perspective: At a Crossroad to a Changing Discourse on Human Rights?. In: European Yearbook on Human Rights 2011, Chapt. 14. Antwerp: Intersentia N.V., 267-282.
- Vanoverbeke, D., Kadomatsu, N. (2011). Introduction to the Special Issue. In: Special Issue of the Journal of Japanese Law: Responsibility and Accountability in Japan after the 1990s: A Legal Perspective. Koln: Carl Heymanns Verlag, 1-4.
- Vanoverbeke, D. (2010). The Jury System and Legal Thought as seen through Osatake Takeki’s Writings. In: 転向期の日本とEU:グローバル世界における法と改革 (Japan and the EU in Transition: Legal Reforms in a Globalized World), 8. Kansai University, Osaka, Japan: Kansai University, 95-109.
- Vanoverbeke Dimitri (2010). The Taisho Jury System: A Didactic Experience. Social Science Japan Journal, 43, 23-27.
- Vanoverbeke Dimitri (2010). The Jury System in Modern Japan: Revolution Failed?. Zeitschrift für Japanisches Recht / Journal of Japanese Law, 15(30), 125-144.
- Vanoverbeke Dimitri (2009). The timely discourse of an “ambivalent savant”: Osatake Takeki. Social Science Japan Journal, 12(1), 137-141.
- Vanoverbeke Dimitri, Maesschalck Jeroen (2009). Public policy perspective on judicial reform in Japan. Zeitschrift für Japanisches Recht / Journal of Japanese law, 14(27), 11-38.
- Vanoverbeke Dimitri, Maesschalck Jeroen, Parmentier Stephan, Hamano Ryo, Ozaki Ichiro (2009). Introduction to the special issue on judicial reform in Japan. Zeitschrift für Japanisches Recht / Journal of Japanese law, 14(27), 3-6.
- Vanoverbeke, D. (2009). The Process of Modernization of Justice in Modern Japan and Osatake Takeki’s Research on Legal Culture (日本の司法近代化プロセスと尾佐竹猛の明治文化研究). In: Tsunoda T., Ishida S. (Eds.), Legal Culture in a Globalizing World (グローバル世界の法文化), Chapt. 8. Tokyo: Fukumura shuppan, 181-196.
- Vanoverbeke Dimitri (2008). Judicial reform in Japan: outgrowing bureaucratie informalism?. Economies et Sociétés, 38(3), 579-600.
- Vanoverbeke Dimitri, Ponjaert Frederik (2007). Japan in East Asia: the dynamics of regional cooperation from a European perspective. Studia diplomatica, 60, 97-116.
- Vanoverbeke Dimitri (2005). Farmers, the state and law in prewar Japan. Orientalia Lovaniensia periodica, 31, 193-212.
- Vanoverbeke, D. (2005). The making of the Japanese constitution and Belgium: an exemple for the Creole of law?. In: Hisashi Aizawa. – Sapporo: Hokkaido university, 90-102.
- Vanoverbeke Dimitri (2004). 司法の社会的役割の増大:比較法的視点から見た平成司法改革 (Enhancing the social function of justice in Japan: the Heisei judicial reform in a comparative perspective. 法律時報, (940), 76(2), 42-49.
- Vanoverbeke Dimitri (2003). The monarchy in the Belgian and Japanese constitutions in the 19th Bulletin of the Institute of Japanese culture, (7-8), 329-347.
- Vanoverbeke Dimitri (2002). The development of Belgian constitutional practice: the Head of State between law and custum. Constitutional law review, (8), 27-54.
- Vanoverbeke, D. (2001). Japanese law in the Low Countries and France: a brief outline of changing perceptions in a changing world. The multiple worlds of Japanese law: disjunctions and conjunctions / Ed. by Tom Ginsburg e.a. – Sydney: University of Sydney. CAPI Colloquium. Victoria, 3 April 2001, 25-28.
- Vanoverbeke, D. (2001). A new teaching platform in area-studies in Europe: implications for teaching Japanese law at the Catholic university of Leuven, Belgium. The multiple worlds of Japanese law: disjunctions and conjunctions / Ed. by Tom Ginsburg e.a. – Sydney: University of Sydney. CAPI Colloquium, 3 April 2001, 192-195.
- Vanoverbeke, D. (2001). Methods, importance and problems of teaching Japanese law in area-studies. In: The multiple worlds of Japanese law: disjunctions and conjunctions / Ed Tom Ginsburg e.a. – Sydney: University of Victoria, 192-196.
- Vanoverbeke, D. (2001). Dispute resolution in modern Japanese society. In: Teaching about Japan in Japan: a handbook of approaches to teaching about Japan to non-Japanese studies / Ed. By Richard Bowring and Noel J. Pinnington. – Fukuoka: Kyushu university press, 187-193.
- Vanoverbeke Dimitri (2001). Japanese law in the Low Countries and France: a brief outline of changing perceptions in a changing world. Zeitschrift für Japanisches Recht, 6(12), 22-26.
- Vanoverbeke Dimitri (1998). Farm tenancy regulation in the Meiji era: modern law and Tokugawa tradition in conflict. Kyushu University, Ryugakusei senta kiyo, 119-146.
- Vanoverbeke Dimitri (1998). Tradition and law in conflict: farm tenancy conciliation and social change in interwar Japan. Hosei kenkyu, 64(March), F11-F85.