東京カレッジ・ウェビナー「英国のインド太平洋地域への傾斜―2022年に何が変わったのか?|The UK’s Indo-Pacific Tilt: What Changed in 2022?」のお知らせ
英国のインド太平洋地域への傾斜―2022年に何が変わったのか?|The UK’s Indo-Pacific Tilt: What Changed in 2022?
In 2021, the British Government announced and put in train a ‘tilt to the Indo-Pacific’ in defence, security, development and foreign policy. How has this fared in 2022, in the face of developments including political turmoil and economic difficulties in the UK, and the consequences of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?
〇日時|Date:2023年2月3日(金)16:00-17:30| Friday, 3 February 2023, 4:00-5:30 pm
〇会場|Zoom ウェビナー|Zoom Webinar (要事前登録|Pre-registration required)
〇言語|Language:英語・日本語同時通訳|English with Japanese simultaneous translation
〇イベントURL | Event URL: 日本語はこちらへ | Click here for English
〇問い合わせ先 | Contact: tokyo.college.event@tc.u-tokyo.ac.jp