Procedures & Services
Procedure at a Municipal Office
After receiving the Residence Card at the port of entry, you must report your address to the local municipal office within 14 days of moving in at your new address. The same applies if any changes of address occur during your period of stay. Please take a document showing the address and your Residence Card with you for this procedure.
National Health Insurance (NHI)
All foreigners who intend to reside in Japan for more than 3 months must join the NHI. Entry procedures are carried out by your local municipal office. After joining, you will be issued a NHI Certificate. If you show this certificate at the reception desk when you receive medical treatment, you will need to pay only 30% of the incurred medical costs.
IMAS (Inbound Medical Assistance Service) – Emergency 24/7,365 days-a-year Medical Assistance, Emergency Insurance etc. Services
These services are free of charge for most international students of the University of Tokyo.
*Explanation and Application of IMAS
Dormitories for International Students
The University of Tokyo provides the following dormitories for international students:
・International Lodge, Komaba Lodge
・International Lodge, Kashiwa Lodge
・Mitaka International Hall of Residence
・Toshima International Hall of Residence
・Mejirodai International Village
Applications for these dormitories are accepted in December (for admission in April) and June (for admission in October). Please check the bulletin board or the website carefully.
Information on other private dormitories will be provided on the bulletin board and website as well.
*Housing Information
University Guarantor System
When renting an apartment, it is sometimes difficult for an international student to find a guarantor. The University of Tokyo has a system whereby the Head of the International Support Group, Education and Student Support Department acts as the guarantor, provided that the student meets certain conditions.
*Explanation and Application of University Guarantor System
All scholarship application information is posted on the bulletin board and the website. Please check it carefully. Recruiting is especially concentrated between October and April. For details, please refer to Scholarships.
Enrollment Confirmation for receipt of Scholarship
・Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho:MEXT) Scholars (KOKUHISEI) / Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association Scholars / Gakushu Shoureihi Scholars
For confirmation of enrollment, the Scholars must provide their signature each month within a specified term (usually within the first 3 days of the month). By providing your signature on time, the scholarship allowance will be transferred to your savings account within the month.
If you do not come to write your signature from the 1st to the designated date of the month, you will not receive any allowance for the month.
2024 Schedule for Signatures
Apr. | May | Jun. | Jul. | Aug. | Sep. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec. | Jan. | Feb. | Mar. |
1(Mon) 2(Tue) 3(Wed) |
1(Wed) 2(Thu) 7(Tue) |
3(Mon) 4(Tue) 5(Wed) |
1(Mon) 2(Tue) 3(Wed) |
1(Thu) 2(Fri) 5(Mon) |
2(Mon) 3(Tue) |
1(Tue) 2(Wed) 3(Thu) |
1(Fri) 5(Tue) 6(Wed) |
2(Mon) 3(Tue) |
6(Mon) 7(Tue) 8(Wed) |
3(Mon) 4(Tue) 5(Wed) |
3(Mon) 4(Tue) |
*If you cannot come to the office during the certified term, please never fail to let us know beforehand.
2024 Schedule for Receiving
Apr. | May | Jun. | Jul. | Aug. | Sep. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec. | Jan. | Feb. | Mar. |
25(Thu) | 24(Fri) | 24(Mon) | 23(Tue) | 23(Fri) | 19(Thu) | 28(Mon) | 25(Mon) | 19(Thu) | 28(Tue) | 26(Wed) | 19(Wed) |
*In case of the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association Scholars, the allowance will be transferred around the 27th.
Certificate of Scholarship
・Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho:MEXT) Scholarship
Please apply to the International Student Adviser. A certificate will be issued in approximately a week.
・Gakushu Shoureihi
Please apply to the International Student Adviser. A certificate will be issued in approximately a week.
School Expenses & Applications for the Exemption/Deferred Payment of School Expenses (except for Research Students)
Tuition fees must be paid by bank transfer twice a year, in May and November.
Students with financial difficulties may apply for an exemption or deferral, which will be subject to review. For details, please refer to Exemptions.
Annual Health Checkup
You must have an annual health checkup at the Health Service Center.
Especially for those applying to scholarships, or admission exams for master/doctoral courses, this health checkup is necessary.
Changing Address, Phone Number, or E-mail Address
If you change your residential address, phone number or e-mail address, please never fail to inform the International Student Adviser.
After changing your residential address, please be sure to carry out the following procedures:
・Residence Card and National Health Insurance
You have to complete the procedures for ‘Moving-out Notification’ at the municipal office of your former residence. After that, go to the municipal office of your new residence in order to complete the ‘Moving-in Notification’ procedure.
Procedures for ‘Moving-Out Notification’ varies from city to city, so please check with your local government office. Procedures for ‘Moving-in Notification’ must be done within 14 days from the moving-in date.
At the same time, please rejoin the National Health Insurance at the municipal office of your new residence.
In the case that your relocation happens within the same administrative district (i.e. ward), it is necessary for you to complete the ‘Change of Address Notification’ procedure at your municipal office.
・Change-of-Address Notice to the Post Office
If you file a change-of-address notice with your post office, mail sent to your previous residential address will be forwarded to your new address, free of charge for one year.
・Change-of-Address Notice to Other Services
Please remember to contact your bank, cellular phone company, credit card company, utility companies for gas, electricity and water, and any other relevant companies to report your new address.
・Change-of-Address Notice to the International Student Adviser
Submit a photocopy of both sides of your resident card to the International Student Adviser after completing the necessary Resident Card relocation procedures after you move.
Temporary Leave & Re-entry
When you leave Japan temporarily or go for a domestic trip for more than a week, you must submit a “Notice of Traveling Abroad(海外渡航届:Kaigaitokoutodoke)” to the office before leaving. The form requires your adviser’s signature/stamp for approval.
Those who will be re-entering Japan within one year of departure to continue their activities in Japan, in principle, will not be required to apply for a re-entry permit. In cases where your period of stay expires within one year of temporarily leaving Japan, please re-enter Japan before the expiration of your period of stay.
Part-time Job
You must apply for and obtain a “Permission to Engage in Activity other than that Permitted under the Status of Residence Previously Granted” (資格外活動許可:Shikakugaikatsudoukyoka) to the Immigration Services Agency prior to taking a part-time job. When you extend your student visa, please do not forget to reapply for the permit.
The maximum hours you are allowed to work at part-time job is 8 hours per day during the summer, winter, and spring vacations, and 28 hours per week for all other dates.
Student Commuter Pass & Student Discount Ticket (except for Research Students)
Undergraduates and graduate students enrolled in the master’s or doctorate courses will be granted student discounts on student commuter passes. For details about the discounts, please inquire at the railway company when you buy a pass.
In addition to the train pass, regular students can obtain student discount tickets (20% discount), which are issued for travel on JR for a one-way distance of 101 km or more. These are issued by an automatic issuing machine available at the office.
Extension of the Period of Residence (visa)
This procedure involves filing visa applications at the Immigration Services Agency before one’s authorized period of stay expires. Applications are usually accepted 3 months before the expiration date. You are advised to undergo this procedure a little earlier than usual. Please be aware that during the months of March, April, September and October, the Immigration Services Agency is particularly busy. Please ask the International Student Adviser for the necessary documents.
The Permission to Engage in Activity other than that Permitted under the Status of Residence Previously Granted(資格外活動許可:Shikakugaikatsudoukyoka) must be renewed as well.
Please download the application forms here.
Visa Consulting Service
This service is applying for “Extension of Period of Stay”, “Change of Status of Residence” and “Certificate of Eligibility” for your family etc. instead of you. For details, please refer to the Visa Consulting Service.
Withdrawal from Research Student status / Decline of Japanese Government Scholarship
If you withdraw from research student status or decline from the Japanese Government Scholarship, please make sure to inform the International Student Adviser as soon as you decide.
Tutorial System (Only for “Student Visa” Holders)
This system that assigns a Japanese student or an international student as a tutor can help you adapt to living in Japan, improve your studies, and research at the university. The period is limited to one year after your arrival in Japan.
Academic Advice for International Students
This service is open for students who belong to the Graduate Schools for Law and Politics. You can receive advice from current students of the University of Tokyo in relation to your studies, for example, preparing for seminar presentations, checking reports and theses, preparing for admission, and teaching study methods etc.
You do not have to make a reservation. Please go to the advising room directly. This service is not available in February and March.
Social Studies Visit
A social studies visit is planned in the autumn. We visit the Diet Building, the Courts, the Prosecutors Office, and the Imperial Palace etc.
Parties are scheduled in May and November, for international students, visiting professors, visiting researchers, and research scholars.
Japanese Language Study Group
The Japanese Language Study Group is held every Thursday 13:00-14:30.
The requested proficiency level is N1 or N2 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. If you would like to attend, please apply to the International Student Adviser.
Checking List for Leaving Japan
For details, please refer to “International Student Handbook” p.141.